Sunday, May 19, 2024

14 Causes of Fatigue and Sleepiness and How to Fight Them

HomeNews14 Causes of Fatigue and Sleepiness and How to Fight Them

These are 14 causes of fatigue and possible recovery methods to fight back fatigue.

Not Enough Sleep

It might seem obvious, but you may be sleeping too much. This can impact your health and concentration. Adults need to sleep seven to eight hours of sleep each night.

Solution: Make sleeping an absolute priority and adhere to your schedule regular. Eliminate laptops, mobile phones and televisions in your bedroom. Are you still having problems? Consult a doctor. It is possible that you be suffering from an issue with sleep.

Sleep Apnea

Many people believe they’re sleeping enough however sleep apnea can get in the way. It temporarily stops breathing all night. Every time you wake up, it takes some time however you might not be conscious of it. You’ll be exhausted despite sleeping for eight hours in your bed. The doctor could conduct a sleep test to determine if you’re suffering from this.

Solution Weight loss: If you’re overweight, stop smoking cigarettes, and you might require a CPAP device to maintain your airway passages when you rest.

Not Enough Fuel to run body

Insufficient food intake can cause fatigue, however, eating the incorrect foods can be a cause for concern. A balanced diet can help to keep your blood sugar within an acceptable range. It also helps prevent the feeling of sluggishness as your blood sugar falls.

Solution: Always eat breakfast and make sure to include complex carbs and protein in your meals. For instance, breakfast eggs with toast that is whole-grain. In addition, eat small portions of food as well as snacks during the course of your day to ensure lasting energy.


Anaemia is among the main causes of fatigue among women. The loss of blood during menstruation can trigger an iron deficiency, placing women at high risk. Blood cells called red (shown in this picture) are important for their ability to carry oxygen to organs and tissues.

Solution: To treat anaemia due to an iron deficiency supplementing with iron and eating iron-rich food items like lean meat and liver, shellfish, beans, and cereals with enriched may aid.


Many people consider depression to be an illness of the mind, however, it is a contributing factor to many physical symptoms, too. The symptoms of headaches, fatigue and weight loss are some of the most frequent symptoms. If you’ve been feeling exhausted as well as “down” for longer than a couple of weeks, you should see your doctor.

Solution: Depression responds well to therapy sessions and/or medications.


The thyroid is a tiny gland located at the base of your neck. It regulates your metabolism, the rate at that your body transforms calories into power. If the gland is not functioning properly and your metabolism runs at a slow pace, you might experience a slowing down and then gain pounds.

Solution When a test of your blood confirms that the thyroid hormones are not functioning properly synthetic hormones could make you more efficient.

Caffeine Overload

Caffeine is a stimulant that can increase concentration and alertness when taken in moderate amounts. However, too much caffeine can cause an increase in blood pressure, heart rate and even jitteriness. In fact, research suggests that excessive consumption can lead to fatigue in some individuals.

Solution: Slowly cut down on tea, coffee soft drinks, chocolate and all medications that contain caffeine. A sudden stop can trigger withdrawal from caffeine and can cause fatigue.

Hidden UTI

If you’ve had an infection of the urinary tract (UTI) is likely that you’re acquainted with a burning sensation and feeling of urgency. However, the condition doesn’t always present itself with obvious signs. In certain cases, it is possible that fatigue is the only indication. A urine test is able to quickly identify the presence of a UTI.

Solution The remedy is antibiotics for UTIs and fatigue is usually gone within one week.


For people suffering from diabetes, abnormally high levels of sugar are kept in the bloodstream rather than being absorbed into cells which is where it can be transformed into energy. This results in a body that is running out of fuel despite having enough to consume. If you are experiencing an unnaturally high level of fatigue, talk to your doctor to test you for diabetes.

Solutions for diabetes can involve lifestyle changes like eating and exercise, insulin therapy and medication to aid the body process sugar.


Your tiredness could be an indication of dehydration. When you’re working out or at a desk job your body needs fluids to function efficiently and stay cool. If you’re thirsty you’re already dehydrated.

Solution: Drink plenty all day long to ensure that your urine turns light. Drink at minimum 2 cups of water per at least an hour prior to your scheduled physical activity. Drink it throughout your workout and then take another two cups of water.

Heart Disease

If you feel tired during your daily tasks, like taking care of the house or trimming the lawn or weeding the yard, it could be an indication that your heart isn’t enough to handle the task. If you find it becoming increasingly difficult to complete things that were once simple and easy, consult your doctor regarding heart disease.

Solution: Lifestyle modifications, as well as medication and treatments, can bring the heart disease under control, and boost your energy levels.

Shift Work and Sleep Disorder

The night shift or the rotating shift can disturb the internal rhythm of your body. You might feel tired in the morning when you have to be awake. You may also have difficulty getting to sleep during the day.

Solution limits your exposure to light during times when you want to relax. Create a room that is dark and quiet. It should also be cool. Are you having sleep problems? Discuss it with your doctor. The use of supplements and medicines can be beneficial.

Food Allergies

Some doctors believe that hidden food allergies can cause you to be exhausted. If you feel fatigue increases following meals, you may be suffering from mild intolerance to something that you’re eating that doesn’t cause hives or itching, but just enough to cause you to feel tired.

Solution: Eliminate foods one at a time, to check if you feel better. You may also consult your physician about an allergy test for food.

CFS and Fibromyalgia

If you experience fatigue that lasts longer than six months and becomes such a way that it is difficult to perform your normal activities, then chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia could be possible. Both of them can be characterized by a range of signs, but persistent unprovoked exhaustion is the major one.

Solution There is no fast fix in CFS or fibromyalgia patients, they frequently benefit from changing their schedules, developing better sleeping habits and beginning a moderate fitness program.

Fast Fix for Mild Fatigue

If you’re experiencing some mild fatigue, but it isn’t connected to any medical issue it could be due to exercising. Studies suggest that healthy, but exhausted adults can benefit from a substantial energy boost through a moderate exercise routine. In one study participants rode stationary bikes for 20 mins at a slow rate. Three times a week was sufficient to help fight fatigue.

Next Article: Dark Chocolate is Healthy or Not

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